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This assignment is due Monday, August 22, 2022 at 23:59 CDT. See the syllabus for our late policy.

What you need to do, now!

Course commencement

CS 128 begins on Monday, August 22. This class breaks from traditional collegiate lectures by delivering course content through a series of asynchronous daily lessons available on-demand through our course website. Each workday (Monday through Saturday), you will complete a daily lesson. Each lesson introduces new material through text, video, and interactive walkthroughs. You will also be responsible for completing the weekly machine problem each week. Assignments will be released and due on the schedule described in the syllabus. Due to our regular release schedule, we do not provide reminders when an assessment is released nor when it is due. The syllabus specifies all this clearly, along with our policies for late work. Here are some important dates to help you get started:

  • Office hours begin on the first day of class (i.e., August 22).
  • In-person recitation/discussion begins on Friday, August 26.
    • During the first recitation/discussion section meeting, we will review the first week's content and help you with set up your CS 128 development environment.
  • This week's graded lessons are due by 23:59 Champaign local time on Sunday, August 28th.
  • We will release the first weekly machine problem on September 3.
    • This assignment will be a pre-flight machine problem worth fewer points than an actual machine problem.
  • Assignments will be released and due on the schedule described in the syllabus.

A typical week

Here's what a typical week will look like in CS 128:


  • Daily lessons for the week are released at 05:00 Champaign, IL local time.
  • Complete Monday's daily lesson!


  • Complete Tuesday's daily lesson!
  • MP checkpoint deadline, 23:59.


  • Complete Wednesday's daily lesson!
  • MP Extra credit deadline, 23:59.


  • Complete Thursday's daily lesson!
  • MP deadline, 23:59.


  • Complete Friday's daily lesson!
  • New MP released, 05:00.


  • Complete Saturday's daily lesson!


  • Previous lesson week's graded lessons are due by 23:59.