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EMP Syllabus

Course Syllabus – Consult As Needed

Even More Practice for CS 128

Spring 2024 | CS 199-E28
University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign


Hello and welcome to the Even More Practice (EMP) for CS 128! My name is Prof. Schatz and I will be leading this add on course as well as co-instructing CS 128. I am excited for the semester and am looking forward to meeting everyone!

EMP is an in-person 1 credit course that is taken with CS 128. The aim of this course is to help students who want more practice with the fundamentals of the CS 128 material and who benefit from in-person learning.

You do not need to be enrolled to attend (as long as there is space)! However, it is highly encouraged you enroll so that you recieve email updates as well as credit for your hard work!


Prof. Jule Schatz (you-la-shots)|Teaching Assistant Professor
Department of Computer Science, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
[email protected]| Office: 2330 Siebel Center for Comp Sci | juleschatz.com

Course Structure

Class is every Monday from 3-5pm in 0216 Siebel Center for Computer Science starting on January 22nd and ending on April 29th (except spring break). If there are changes to this I will update you through email.

The course will consist of lecture review followed by group worksheets. I am happy to adjust the structure based on feedback from students! Let me know what is and is not working for you through email or in person.


  • You are keeping up with and attempting the CS 128 lessons. It's okay if the material isn't fully solidified but I expect everyone to have at least looked at and attempted the lessons.
  • Attending class sessions.
  • Participating! This can look different for everyone but includes actively listening (no phones), asking questions (privately or publicly), answering questions I pose, and working respectfully with your peers on worksheets.
  • Checking your email periodically for important updates.


This is a pass/fail course. In order to pass you must attend and participate in at least 11 out of 14 class sessions. To get credit for attending you must stay until the end of the class session and actively participate in class activities. If you join the course late please contact me for an adjusted requirement.